
Friday, December 3, 2010

Quick Sketch - Peter Kuper Rip-off

An experiment in creating custom brushes lead to this Peter Kuper inspired sketch. Manga Studio drawn Photoshop composite. 30 minutes. My apologies to Mr. Kuper -- you are a god among men and this is just the shallowest of imitations.

Quick Sketch - Blue Girl

20 minute Manga Studio sketch. Just playing.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Commission for Noah Age 5

Because I would have wanted this drawing on my wall when I was 5.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Cured artwork

The next 5 pages from Cured without text. Read the whole story here.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Art from Cured

The first 5 pages of art from Cured. To follow Sam Costello's story click here.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

My new comic online and FREE

The new online comic "Cured" written by Sam Costello and drawn by yours truly starts today. A new page every Tuesday and Thursday for the next 8 weeks. Follow along here.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Original Art Collection #13: Luis Garcia Mozos

This is a Grail Page for me. I grew up reading Heavy Metal magazine and whenever I think of HM today I think of this page, Richard Corben, HR Giger , and Enki Bilal. In that order.
I'm a big fan of Leif Peng's Today's Inspiration which recently ran a great article about Luis Garcia Mozos . In doing a bit of poking around I discovered he was the artist of this page which has always been stuck in my head. A bit more poking around lead me to his Facebook site. Amazingly enough this page, which he drew in 1981 was still available. Let's not even mention that it is page 33, the age I was when I met my wife, or the fact that 3 has always been my favorite number. Let's not even bring that up because that sounds an awful lot like fate to me.
To see a scan of this simply does not do it justice so I will post some detail shots soon.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Wally Wood's 22 Panels that always work.

Deadlines got you down? Noodling too much? Mix it up with Wally's 22 panels. Of course his motto was also "Never draw anything you can copy, never copy anything you can trace, never trace anything you can cut out and paste." I'm not sure I agree with all of that all of the time but a deadline is a deadline. Image courtesy of this site.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Home Made Haunting Book Cover Process

Several comps of book cover ideas for Home Made Haunting to be published late summer/early fall from Zondervan.

And the finals -- Front cover:

And Back.

Monday, June 7, 2010

More pages from Protege pitch.

Here are some more action-packed pages I did to help pitch the assassin filled Protege written by Terence Anthony.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Protege Page

A newly finished page for a pitch written by Terence Anthony (Orlando's Joint). More to come soon.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Original Art Collection 12: Tony Harris Ultraviolet

One of the newest editions to my collection. I purchased this puppy from Tony Himself at C2E2 this last weekend. A huge two-page spread from the movie Ultraviolet. Now the movie itself couldn't come anywhere near the quality of this drawing but here's a screencap to show you what the final piece looked like.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Another C2E2 Exclusive: The Roberts Original Art Edition

Another exclusive at C2E2 this weekend. A limited edition of 13 Roberts Trade Paperbacks with a panel of the original artwork tipped inside. Signed and Numbered for $20. One of a kind -- get them while they last at table I-2 in Artist's Alley.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

C2E2 Erik Rose Exclusive Joker Print

At the C2E2 Convention this weekend I will be offering a limited edition hand-carved, hand-printed 2-color linocut of the Joker. Each of these 10 prints are unique and are first come, first serve. Stop by Artist Alley booth I-2 to pick one up for $20.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Original Art Collection 11: Bill Sienkiewicz

Here's a strange little Sienkiewicz sketch I picked up a few years ago. Don't ask me what's going on -- a high-heeled Shakespearean bunny smoking a cigar? A gassy super-villain? Take your best guess.
I'll be at C2E2 this weekend with my good friend Kyle Bice at table I-2. I'll be doing sketches and selling prints, originals, and copies of The Dude Abides and The Roberts.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Original Art Collection 10: Michael Zulli

The Corinthian from Sandman in graphite, ink, marker, and Pepsi (While inking this piece Michael accidentally dipped his brush in his soda instead of his ink cup but liked the results -- so do I).

Monday, March 8, 2010

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Sketchbook Madness

Random doodles? Some sick preview of things yet to come? Only time will tell...

Monday, March 1, 2010

Now Accepting Commissions

I am now accepting limited commissions -- if you've got a favorite film, TV, or comic book character let me know what you're interested in and I'll get you a quote. Original commissions are generally turned around within two weeks. Here are some examples of previous commissions:

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Original Art Collection 9: Christopher Shy

Original art by RPG and comic artist Christopher Shy. Egg-tempera, graphite, color pencil, and digital on watercolor paper.

Friday, January 29, 2010

First Prints

My first experiments with relief printmaking.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Original Art Collection 8 - Anthony Saris

"Going to Chicago in Style" an original from Reader's Digest Aug 1973. A nice piece to have as Saris was from Joliet, Il and probably on more than one occasion took the train into Chicago himself.