
Thursday, July 15, 2010

Original Art Collection #13: Luis Garcia Mozos

This is a Grail Page for me. I grew up reading Heavy Metal magazine and whenever I think of HM today I think of this page, Richard Corben, HR Giger , and Enki Bilal. In that order.
I'm a big fan of Leif Peng's Today's Inspiration which recently ran a great article about Luis Garcia Mozos . In doing a bit of poking around I discovered he was the artist of this page which has always been stuck in my head. A bit more poking around lead me to his Facebook site. Amazingly enough this page, which he drew in 1981 was still available. Let's not even mention that it is page 33, the age I was when I met my wife, or the fact that 3 has always been my favorite number. Let's not even bring that up because that sounds an awful lot like fate to me.
To see a scan of this simply does not do it justice so I will post some detail shots soon.

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