
Friday, April 23, 2010

Original Art Collection 12: Tony Harris Ultraviolet

One of the newest editions to my collection. I purchased this puppy from Tony Himself at C2E2 this last weekend. A huge two-page spread from the movie Ultraviolet. Now the movie itself couldn't come anywhere near the quality of this drawing but here's a screencap to show you what the final piece looked like.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Another C2E2 Exclusive: The Roberts Original Art Edition

Another exclusive at C2E2 this weekend. A limited edition of 13 Roberts Trade Paperbacks with a panel of the original artwork tipped inside. Signed and Numbered for $20. One of a kind -- get them while they last at table I-2 in Artist's Alley.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

C2E2 Erik Rose Exclusive Joker Print

At the C2E2 Convention this weekend I will be offering a limited edition hand-carved, hand-printed 2-color linocut of the Joker. Each of these 10 prints are unique and are first come, first serve. Stop by Artist Alley booth I-2 to pick one up for $20.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Original Art Collection 11: Bill Sienkiewicz

Here's a strange little Sienkiewicz sketch I picked up a few years ago. Don't ask me what's going on -- a high-heeled Shakespearean bunny smoking a cigar? A gassy super-villain? Take your best guess.
I'll be at C2E2 this weekend with my good friend Kyle Bice at table I-2. I'll be doing sketches and selling prints, originals, and copies of The Dude Abides and The Roberts.