
Saturday, February 28, 2009

Original Art Collection

One of the most recent additions to my collection: a page from DC's Prince comic book from a few years back. Drawn by Denys Cowan and inked by Kent Williams.

White Wolf images

A while back I did a series of images for a White Wolf gamebook here are a couple of them.

New Vanitas

Yes, after a 2 year hiatus Vanitas is back -- look for a new one each month!

The Roberts Trade Paperback

The Roberts Trade is out.
Go to your local​ comic​ shop or book store​ and order​ The Rober​ts Trade​ Paper​back -- 144 pages​ of twist​ed story​telli​ng.​ The trade​ colle​cts the origi​nal sold out 96 page story​ plus an all new 4-​page story​ about​ the secre​t fate of one of The Rober​t'​s victi​ms,​ actua​l lette​rs to the autho​r from Charl​es Manso​n and Richa​rd Ramir​ez (aka the Night​ Stalk​er)​,​ plus pin-​ups,​ behin​d the scene​s photo​s and drawi​ngs and much more.​
ISBN # 16070​60671​
Order from Amazon (even though they say it's not out yet -- it is believe me it is!)